diumenge, 22 de maig del 2011

Lady Gaga

By Venus Villa

I'm going to write about the most controversial singer today, her name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta. Most of people who read this article don't know who I am referring to, but they do if I mention her with her nickname: Lady Gaga.

She is a star, she feels like a fish in the water when she is on the stages and she has a lot of fans who admire and follow her.

Nevertheless, a big amount of people has almost forgotten that she is an artist, because Gaga is becoming more and more famous for other aspects of her life, like the discussion about her sexuality.

From my point of view, it is sad for a person that people know who you are for this kind of things, instead of valuing your own job, obtained with effort.

On the other hand, I think that it is awkward. But on the other hand, I think that all this show has been created for her. That is to say that she enjoys being the center of attention and earning money easily.

I also think that if Stefani had to live again on another life, she would be a fashion model. I only hope that this time she chooses better her dresses, because I don't know if people would put up with her frightening clothes again.

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